
Sussex Golf Captains

Entering Competitions and Matches

Entering Competitions

Competitions can be accessed via Competitions>Upcoming. This will show all of our internal fixtures for the year. You will see "Signup Not Yet Open" until the 1st of January 2023. This will change to "ONLINE SIGNUP" click on the box and follow the instructions. For pairs competitions, it will ask you to enter the Member's Surname. This will highlight any member with the same surname, select the one you want and proceed accordingly. An email will be sent to confirm entry.  Important, you can select your tee time; whilst we will do everything we can to honour your selection, some course and operational requirements mean your tee time may move. 

We have set competition entry to allow you to book in with your playing partner, and the person or team that you would like to share the tee time with. 

Please pay your entry fee into our bank account as normal. Our details are

Sussex Golf Captains

Barclays Bank

Sort Code; 20-12-75

Account Number; 00806382

A note about the Bristow Tankards. Unfortunately, the IG system will not allow us to set a buggy option. We have reserved all the buggies at Dale Hill. If you require a buggy email; and we will reserve one. 

A note about entering guests for the Mixed, Invitation and Bristow Tankards

We are waiting for WHS Integration, so in order to add your guest to the start sheet, please do this. On the ONLINE SIGNUP page, look for the Sign Up a Visitor search box; just below this is the instruction; "Click here if they do not have a home club", seen below; highlighted in blue.  If you click this link, you can enter your playing partner's name and handicap. 

Entering Matches

Matches can be accessed via Competitions>Matches. Important, you will see a list of upcoming matches. To apply for a match, you will need to join a squad; select "View all squads">then select "Join" to join any of the squads you wish to play for. There are three; the Diamond Jubilee is a one-off tri-county match at Seaford. The Sussex Team is for all intercounty matches, and the Tour will let you apply to join the tour. Once you have joined a Squad, return to the fixture list and set your availability. You can go back in and change this at any time. On the fixture list, clicking on the date brings up information about the match. Set Availability shows us you can play.

Payment for matches does not need to be made until your selection has been confirmed. 

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